Cotes Du Rhone Villages 2015

Cotes Du Rhone Villages

Wine Variety



Price: $8.99 (at time of purchse)

Rating 4/5


Cotes Du Rhone Villages 2015 Reviews

The Donna Review

Smooth and sharp, peppery….I don’t quiet get it’
Nice, happy to keep drinking it.
Wine Rating: 4/5

Man with no Palate Review

Sharp, yet smooth with a tangy tang. Bizarely like it.
Wine Rating: 4/5

Cotes Du Rhone Villages 2015 Bottle Label Description

A deep bright red colour, with well blanced fruit aromas of raspberry, blackberry, cranberry and a hint of liqourice and violet on a spicy background. The palete is both velvety and generous with ripe tannins and floral traces (violet). Enjoy with roasted veg, bbqs, lamb chops or slow cooked beef.

We served this wine with a home made burgers, chips and baked beans

Where to Purchase Cotes Du Rhone Villages

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